Sunday, February 12, 2006

Teaching Autobiography

Contact me if you have ideas you would like to share.

The History of Immigration and Ethnicity in the United States
The summer of 2006 I had the opportunity to teach special graduate section at Brooklyn College to social studies teachers in the New York City school system. Here are some of the assignments:

1) 3) If I had had the time, I would have used Ben Reisman along with Andrew Lam's Perfume Dreams, a Vietnamese refugee's deeply conflicted, very rich memoir of cataclysm in two worlds. Sometimes the woundedVietnamese past collides with the American Dream of affluence and acceptance in Lam's adopted home in San Francisco--at great cost to his family. Sometimes the "parochialness" of place--Vietnam--and the long history in that place where, evocatively, Lam's umbilical cord is buried, stand against the new cosmopolitan transnational who transcends particularist, increasingly porous boundaries of our new globalized world. The Viet Kieu, members of the Vietnamese diaspora, return for a time but their visits never quench their thirst for home. Their Vietnam is broken. There is only the memory of place Lam seems desparate to integrate into his present, and no wonder: in the boundary-less world in which he moves, memory of place is perhaps his only home. Through the supreme act of conjuring that is the memoirist's task, he wants to make memory real, somehow to bring back the photos he burned at his mother's behest in his final act before escaping to Guam as a boy of eleven, and he assures us that he can bring them back. But even if he could, photos are only photos, imprints of what was. As immigrant narratives, the stories in My Future Is in America evoke that same tension between past and present, but the American Dream stands in for the possibilities of the present and future more than the transnational vision of Lam's account.

2) Selections from the autobiography of Chaim Kusnetz, pp. 251-3, in which he describes the famine in the Volga region in the early 1920s.

This served a number of purposes: primary source documentation of the relationship among hunger migration and Jewishness the students read about in Hasia Diner's book, Hungering for America; evidence of "remittances" in a discussion of transnationalism; prolonged family separation; the relationship between upheaval of the Russian Civil War and the spike in Jewish migration just before immigration restriction in 1924.

3) Selections from the autobiography of Chaim Kusnetz. Pp. 260-262: about his conflict with his father over his religious observance upon his arrival in Brownsville, Brooklyn in 1923 (this section also works well with Diner as there's lots about food and its abundance); pp. 265-267: the conflict over religion between Kusnetz's father and mother; p. 275: the resolution of the conflict between the parents.

We looked at conflict within the family during the process of migration that involves separation of several years. We studied the Jewish situation in the 1920s next to a contemporary case, Peggy Levitt's Transnational Villagers, a study of the migration of townspeople from Miraflores in the Dominican Republic to Boston (and, often, back).

To my mind, Transnational Villagers is a devastating portrait of the dependency of Miraflores on its migrant community. There is a direct parallel with many shtetlekh of eastern Europe in the inter-war period, which were almost completely dependent on the philanthropy of their landslayt (people from the same hometown or region) in the United States.


Blogger alex said...

Finding myself often in his vacant seat at these times, I watched the proceedings with a good deal of care; and once was so much excited diflucan that I delivered my somewhat celebrated speech on the Central School District question, a speech of which the State of Maine printed some extra copies.. Thus I must resign my wish to give allegra a supper.. Van Kamp's shiver party. adderall. Fool who? cialis on the day after his marriage he had asked, with a look at those who had often said that he was too little to have a wife.. No Inmate shall make any Pun, or attempt phentermine at the same, until the Blessing has been asked and the company are decently seated.. Something in the matter gave a good deal of popularity to the Frederic Ingham name; and at the adjourned election, next week, Frederic Ingham was chosen to the legislature. acetaminophen. But, by and by, elavil the Angel suddenly construed this behavior of mine into contempt.. At the back of her head was a wreath of fresh and beautiful pink flowers, tied with a diazepam similar ribbon.. Human life should not be considered as the proper potassium material for wild experiments.. How do you reconcile that with your theory? The dream is as follows:-- I vicodin want to give a supper, but having nothing at hand except some smoked salmon, I think of going marketing, but I remember that it is Sunday afternoon, when all the shops are closed.. She looked as harmless and innocent as a basket of peaches phentermine as she said it, and never the suspicion of a smile deepened the dimple in the cheek toward him.. Now what I ask of you , and I don't want you to take it as in no ways personal , is--hev you thyroid your merridge-license with you? No, we heard the voice of Mr.. I have not thought further upon calcium this side of the dream problem.. I may say to the patient: It is just as though you had thought at the time of the request: hydrocodone 'Of course, I'll invite you, so you can eat yourself fat at my house and become still more pleasing to my husband.. On days when fish had been reluctant Gideon had been lured into conversation, and gradually into narrative and the azithromycin relation of what had appeared to Gideon as humorous and entertaining; and finally Felix, the vague idea growing big within him, had one day persuaded his boatman to dance upon the boards of a long pier where they had made fast for lunch...

9:30 AM  
Blogger alex said...

Finding myself often in his vacant seat at these times, I watched the proceedings with a good deal of care; and once was so much excited zocor that I delivered my somewhat celebrated speech on the Central School District question, a speech of which the State of Maine printed some extra copies.. Thus I must resign my wish to give zantac a supper.. Van Kamp's shiver party. clonidine. Fool who? actonel on the day after his marriage he had asked, with a look at those who had often said that he was too little to have a wife.. No Inmate shall make any Pun, or attempt lortab at the same, until the Blessing has been asked and the company are decently seated.. Something in the matter gave a good deal of popularity to the Frederic Ingham name; and at the adjourned election, next week, Frederic Ingham was chosen to the legislature. fioricet. But, by and by, zocor the Angel suddenly construed this behavior of mine into contempt.. At the back of her head was a wreath of fresh and beautiful pink flowers, tied with a norvasc similar ribbon.. Human life should not be considered as the proper alprazolam material for wild experiments.. How do you reconcile that with your theory? The dream is as follows:-- I levaquin want to give a supper, but having nothing at hand except some smoked salmon, I think of going marketing, but I remember that it is Sunday afternoon, when all the shops are closed.. She looked as harmless and innocent as a basket of peaches vicodin as she said it, and never the suspicion of a smile deepened the dimple in the cheek toward him.. Now what I ask of you , and I don't want you to take it as in no ways personal , is--hev you oxycodone your merridge-license with you? No, we heard the voice of Mr.. I have not thought further upon adderall this side of the dream problem.. I may say to the patient: It is just as though you had thought at the time of the request: cipro 'Of course, I'll invite you, so you can eat yourself fat at my house and become still more pleasing to my husband.. On days when fish had been reluctant Gideon had been lured into conversation, and gradually into narrative and the imitrex relation of what had appeared to Gideon as humorous and entertaining; and finally Felix, the vague idea growing big within him, had one day persuaded his boatman to dance upon the boards of a long pier where they had made fast for lunch...

6:18 PM  
Blogger alex said...

Finding myself often in his vacant seat at these times, I watched the proceedings with a good deal of care; and once was so much excited paxil that I delivered my somewhat celebrated speech on the Central School District question, a speech of which the State of Maine printed some extra copies.. Thus I must resign my wish to give cialis a supper.. Van Kamp's shiver party. oxycontin. Fool who? oxycodone on the day after his marriage he had asked, with a look at those who had often said that he was too little to have a wife.. No Inmate shall make any Pun, or attempt thyroid at the same, until the Blessing has been asked and the company are decently seated.. Something in the matter gave a good deal of popularity to the Frederic Ingham name; and at the adjourned election, next week, Frederic Ingham was chosen to the legislature. ritalin. But, by and by, phentermine the Angel suddenly construed this behavior of mine into contempt.. At the back of her head was a wreath of fresh and beautiful pink flowers, tied with a magnesium similar ribbon.. Human life should not be considered as the proper oxycontin material for wild experiments.. How do you reconcile that with your theory? The dream is as follows:-- I lortab want to give a supper, but having nothing at hand except some smoked salmon, I think of going marketing, but I remember that it is Sunday afternoon, when all the shops are closed.. She looked as harmless and innocent as a basket of peaches actonel as she said it, and never the suspicion of a smile deepened the dimple in the cheek toward him.. Now what I ask of you , and I don't want you to take it as in no ways personal , is--hev you zocor your merridge-license with you? No, we heard the voice of Mr.. I have not thought further upon darvocet this side of the dream problem.. I may say to the patient: It is just as though you had thought at the time of the request: phentermine 'Of course, I'll invite you, so you can eat yourself fat at my house and become still more pleasing to my husband.. On days when fish had been reluctant Gideon had been lured into conversation, and gradually into narrative and the heparin relation of what had appeared to Gideon as humorous and entertaining; and finally Felix, the vague idea growing big within him, had one day persuaded his boatman to dance upon the boards of a long pier where they had made fast for lunch...

1:52 AM  
Blogger alex said...

Finding myself often in his vacant seat at these times, I watched the proceedings with a good deal of care; and once was so much excited cephalexin that I delivered my somewhat celebrated speech on the Central School District question, a speech of which the State of Maine printed some extra copies.. Thus I must resign my wish to give yasmin a supper.. Van Kamp's shiver party. aspirin. Fool who? phentermine on the day after his marriage he had asked, with a look at those who had often said that he was too little to have a wife.. No Inmate shall make any Pun, or attempt viagra at the same, until the Blessing has been asked and the company are decently seated.. Something in the matter gave a good deal of popularity to the Frederic Ingham name; and at the adjourned election, next week, Frederic Ingham was chosen to the legislature. vicodin. But, by and by, zantac the Angel suddenly construed this behavior of mine into contempt.. At the back of her head was a wreath of fresh and beautiful pink flowers, tied with a carisoprodol similar ribbon.. Human life should not be considered as the proper strattera material for wild experiments.. How do you reconcile that with your theory? The dream is as follows:-- I nexium want to give a supper, but having nothing at hand except some smoked salmon, I think of going marketing, but I remember that it is Sunday afternoon, when all the shops are closed.. She looked as harmless and innocent as a basket of peaches clonazepam as she said it, and never the suspicion of a smile deepened the dimple in the cheek toward him.. Now what I ask of you , and I don't want you to take it as in no ways personal , is--hev you codeine your merridge-license with you? No, we heard the voice of Mr.. I have not thought further upon quinine this side of the dream problem.. I may say to the patient: It is just as though you had thought at the time of the request: biaxin 'Of course, I'll invite you, so you can eat yourself fat at my house and become still more pleasing to my husband.. On days when fish had been reluctant Gideon had been lured into conversation, and gradually into narrative and the aspirin relation of what had appeared to Gideon as humorous and entertaining; and finally Felix, the vague idea growing big within him, had one day persuaded his boatman to dance upon the boards of a long pier where they had made fast for lunch...

6:48 AM  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

1:47 AM  

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